Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year and welcome to The Risk Chat. 

I am Shawn Thornton and I will be your host and moderator.  Since my childhood, I think I always had an inherent awareness of risk.  Many called that being a “rule-follower”, to me it meant calculating the risk of following versus not following the rules and determining the best outcome.

This naturally led me to a career in the military as a naval Logistics Officer.  I made an exciting career managing operational risk with the U.S. Navy around the world and for the past 9 years, I have work with two amazing companies in the real estate development industry.  My latest experiences have introduced me to the world of risk financing (a.k.a. Insurance).  After all of this time analyzing, embracing and managing risk, there is another layer to the parfait.  Insurance can be a bit daunting and mystifying, but with a little understanding, it becomes a welcomed component of your risk strategy.   Risk awareness is my life and it is my passion.  I look forward to sharing this passion with you.

I have three goals for this blog:
  1. I hope to share tips, best practices, and anecdotes about everyday risk facing businesses, every day.  While I do not want to limit who can read the blog, I think there will be something for everyone; the blog will be geared toward small and medium-size businesses.  In the daily routine of running a business and making a living, managing cash flow, making payroll, meeting customer deadlines, and generating new business all usually take precedence over risk. 
  2. Risk is all around us, it always has been.  There is a greater awareness now through better technology and instant communication.  How to be more aware, appreciative and to incorporate risk into a decision-making regimen is a focus. 
  3. To keep things spicy, I will co-author periodic blog posts with friends and colleagues.  I also hope to receive suggestions from you on questions you might have or topics you might like to see covered. 

So, 2018 begins the journey.  I look forward to making this journey with you. 

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